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April 12, 2010


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Sending healthy lambie wishes to her!! And restful winks to you. I hope she takes bottle soon!

Ohhhh......the little ewe-ling is SO adorable ! Here's love and prayers for you both !

Are you giving her colostrum from Papaya?
I confess a soft spot for dark lambs of all kinds.I hope she decides to drink soon. Sending good thoughts to both of you.

Fingers crossed for the babe....

Best wishes for strong health for the beautiful little black lamb!!! I'll be keeping her close in my thoughts. I love black sheep!!!

Wasn't it one of Helena's lambs that needed a little extra TLC last year? Hopefully, this little dear will also have a happy outcome.

Come on baby -- she is so beautiful!

I do wish the babe well and am keeping her in my thoughts. I too have a soft spot for black sheep as my sister's first stuffed animal was a white lamb and I got the black one a year later when I was born. Come to think of it, I did grow up a bit rebellious....

My heart just about melted with the first photo! Sending many good thoughts and prayers for this wee ewe-ling. Yup Helena has a way with mothering doesn't she? And this one is a black one unlike the white one she gave the cold shoulder to last year. The common denominator? They were both female. Does she not like ewe-lings?

Fingers and toes crossed!!

Oh, what a little sweetie! She's so lucky to have you to pamper her. I really hope she perks up soon!

When I hit your website today I couldn't contain a little "Oh!" at the cuteness that is Helena's eweling. I'll be thinking warm thoughts for her and you!

None of us are surprised you brought this little one indoors for a chance at survival. Best wishes for a quick recovery to her -- and to you for good rest.

rally strong little one! You're so cute and there's lots of bouncing to do on the farm!

Fingers crossed that she will make it and go back to her Mama.

she is precious. definately deserves a special snuggle.

Prayers for you and the wee one.

Gosh, she's just the cutest thing. I hope she makes it.

Aww- she has such sweet eyes. I hope she'll be ok. My thoughts are with this little one and with you- must be so hard to have them not all stand right up and join the other bouncing little lambs!

What are the shivers? Was she just cold for some reason? Or is it one of those mysterious things in life?

My thoughts are with her. What a beautiful sweet little lamb!

Warm thoughts and prayers for the little ones...

Saying prayers for the little one. I honestly don't know how you keep it altogether. Thank you for the updates and pictures.

I'm thinking good thoughts for you and this little one.

She is in my thoughts and prayers! Such a sweet little girl!

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